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DMV position on recent Supreme Court ruling on Same Sex Union

From 06/27/2015

Good Evening to all of the Faithful in Diocese of the Missouri Valley:

The One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church has taught from the earliest times that Holy Matrimony is the indissoluble union of one man and one woman, and often that teaching has not been understood or accepted by the pagan culture.

As a result, a few years ago the House of Bishops of the Anglican Church in America issued a statement reaffirming that “marriage is a holy union of one man and one woman in which they commit, with God’s help, to build a loving, life-giving, faithful relationship that will last for a lifetime. God has established the married state, in the order of creation and redemption, for spouses to grow in love of one another and for the procreation, nurture, formation, and education of children.”

The ruling from the Supreme Court today continues to demonstrate that fundamental lack of understanding of the nature of marriage and increasingly reflects that we are indeed living in an ever changing “post-Christian society.”

However, the Church must continue to stand as the beacon within the darkness of the world. In this case, we must proclaim that this ruling does not change the nature of Holy Matrimony. The estate of Holy Matrimony remains for us the joining together of one man and one woman in a “mystical union that is betwixt Christ and his Church” 

The Supreme Court ruling today has no effect on Church teaching on Holy Matrimony. That remains as it has been since the earliest times. What it does do is place the Church’s teaching about marriage in conflict with the law of the land.  Of course, this will inevitably result in conflict between the Church and State. In any conflict between civil law and Holy Scripture and Tradition, we must fall on the side of Almighty God.

I will continue to work with the House of Bishop of the Anglican Church in America and hopefully others of the Catholic Faith in the Anglican Tradition as we try to develop unified response as to how we go forward in light of this disappointing ruling. In the end, the Church cannot remain silent on this or other matters of Faith lest we allow the Devil to continue his rampant attack on this post-Christian society with no response from the Church. 

May God bless us all


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