Diocese Parishes to Remain Open
Some Bishops (not in our jurisdiction) have “ordered” or otherwise required the parishes and missions in their diocese to close their doors as the result of the grip of fear upon this world. The Bishop of the Missouri Valley can assure you that he has no intention of making any such declaration. In fact, Bp. Strawn firmly believes that this is a time the people need to have access to the Church more than ever. The Mass needs to be prayed in the Church even more now in the face of this fear. Prayer, Worship, and Sacrament is the prescription that is called for.
The Devil wins when we shutter the doors of the Church and lock God’s people out. We need stand up to the Devil, look him in the face, and continue to do what Jesus has called us to do.
Many will say we are doing this to protect the people (or some similar reason). We absolutely agree with protecting our people. But shuttering the doors to the Church is not the way to go.
We need to be open even more now. What about those perfectly well who want to go to Mass? As clergy we are called make the sacraments of the Church available to the people of God.
If people are sick they should stay home. We should take precautions to avoid the spread of disease. But it is the responsibility of the Church to ensure that you have access to the to sacraments.
As a result, the Bishop of the Missouri Valley will never declare or otherwise require the closing of parishes/missions in this Diocese.
Thank you Bishop Strawn. We to will continue to pray the Mass every Sunday and Holy Day as we have for the last 36 years. You are absolutely on point regarding the need for prayer and the reception of the Blessed Sacrament…that Christ dwelling in us and we in Him will strengthen and carry us through all.
http://slkjfdf.net/ – Ozehiu Ecalmu kob.qtba.dmvaca.org.ain.ao http://slkjfdf.net/